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  1. rb Clints RC Aircraft Links
  2. rb CSM Web Site
  3. rb The E Zone
  4. rb Favonius R/C SLOPE SOARING
  5. rb Flair Products Ltd
  6. rb Hobby Stores
  7. rb Jet Stuff U.K.
  8. rb Jersey Model Aero Club
  9. rb Jim Fox Models
  10. rb Just Engines
  11. rb Manx Model Flyers
  12. rb Mick Reeves Models
  13. rb Midland Helicopters
  14. rb Mike's Models
  15. rb MotoCalc
  16. rb Mutley's Aeromodelling
  17. rb R/C Soaring - Home Page
  18. rb Rchobby
  19. rb Radio Controlled Aircraft for Beginners
  20. rb Revolution Models
  21. rb Traplet Publications
  22. rb Weston UK
  23. rbrb X Nitro RC Models
  24. rb Yorkshire Air Spectacular Elvington 1999 web site

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©2000, 2001 Toine Martens
The background picture shows my daughter (when she was a little girl) and was taken on a holiday in La Rochelle, France. The colorprint was scanned and converted to grey scale.