Airtoi170  Organizations  
RC model airplane links
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rbrb means: recently added!!! Last update: 15-02-2004
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  1. rb AMA
  2. rb A.M.S.
  3. rb BMFA
  4. rb DMFV
  5. rb European Model Rocketry
  6. rb FFAM
  7. rb FIA
  8. yb GTBA
  9. yb JPO
  10. rb KNVvL Modelvliegsport
  11. rb MAAA
  12. rb MAAC
  13. rb MAFA
  14. rb NAK
  15. rbrb Österreichische Aero Club (ÖAeC)
  16. rb SAA
  17. rb SAMAA
  18. rb SA Model Jet Association
  19. rb SMFF
  20. rb SMV
  21. rb SSA
  22. rb Stichting Nationaal Modelvlieg Kamp - NMVK

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©2000, 2001 Toine Martens
The background picture shows my daughter (when she was a little girl) and was taken on a holiday in La Rochelle, France. The colorprint was scanned and converted to grey scale.